Car engines tend to heat up along with their operations. Radiators are installed to control the internal temperature of the car and to stop it from overheating. So, you will have to be careful about the state of the radiator and perform a Car Radiator Repair from time to time. Running a car with a faulty radiator will damage the total vehicle system eventually. However, before identifying the warning signs for faulty radiator, it’s better to understand the functioning.
A radiator of the car functions by radiating the heat coming from the friction between the automotive parts and the burning of the fuels. The radiator uses a coolant fluid containing water and a compound called antifreeze that prevents the water from solidifying in colder temperatures.
The coolant level is essential in the proper functioning of the radiator, as the radiator’s function diminishes along with the lessening level of the coolant. In addition, you will have to check the radiator fan from time to time, as it can give decreased performance due to the dirt and grime it has collected over the years.
Indications Of A Malfunctioning Car Radiator
Periodical care and Radiator Replacement will increase the life of the car radiator. It is essential to know about the situation and take preventive measures if needed, as the repair cost for a car radiator is relatively high. So, you will need to check for the following developments in a car radiator and contact the car mechanics in Perth of your choice if it happens:
1. Overheating of the car
This development is the most obvious symptom of the overheating of a car radiator. You should stop driving if your car radiator overheats and wait until it’s cooled down. How to know that your car is overheating? You will see white steam coming out from under the hood.
If you ignore the signs and continue to drive the vehicle, it would cause the engine to seize up or melt the piston, which would fuse with the cylinder, making the whole machine useless. Instead of a few minor repairs, you will have to replace the entire engine. So, if you see any signs of overheating the engine, you should check the car’s radiator.
2. Radiator showing signs of rust
Your car’s radiator is made up of different kinds of metal, and upon continuous contact with moisture, it will show signs of rust. If there is any rust on the radiator, a leak has probably come onto the radiator hose and the radiator itself. The coolant can trickle out of these leaks and come in direct contact with the radiator. The intense heat will burn off the fluid very quickly, leaving moisture spots that will develop into rust with time.
3. The temperature gauge shows a continuous ‘high’ level.
There is a gauge in the dashboard of your car that shows the temperature of the engine. It is generally placed in the cold region when the vehicle is not running and stays between ‘Hot’ and ‘Cold’ one it is running. In any situation, it should not climb above the middle part of the gauge unless there is something seriously wrong. So, if you see that your temperature reading is rising towards the ‘hot’ end of the indicator, get your radiator checked immediately. Adding more coolant may solve the problem, but you would be driving around a car with a faulty radiator unless you prevent it.
4. Leakage of fluid from the car
Coolant fluids are chemical mixtures of water and antifreeze, which can be of different colours. So, if you notice that a bright green, blue, or pink liquid under your car – probably your coolant is leaking. It can happen due to a leak in the radiator hose or the radiator itself – but it needs to be checked whether the car is overheating and any coolant is leaking or not. It is essential because the coolant also keeps the water from freezing in the winter – so a reducing coolant level can damage the engine – even in cold weather.
5. Low coolant levels
External leaks can be indicated by coolant leakage, but internal leakage has to be checked every time. If you see that the level of coolant (and other fluids) is decreasing quicker than it should, there is a chance that an internal leak has developed. You can replenish the coolant level in the radiator – but it would be best to bring it to a car mechanic for a thorough check. A radiator inspection can find out the underlying cause of the problem.
Getting It Checked Once In A While
Radiator problems are a severe issue. If the cars are continued to be used without proper checking, it can damage several internal parts; for example, the water pump, cylinder and piston timing, connector rods, and head gasket. So, if you observe one of the signs mentioned above, get your car checked by a proficient and dependable Auto Repair Shop.